A story behind Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is one–stop cultural workshop, consists of : performance venue, bamboo handicraft centre, and ...
A story behind
Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is one–stop cultural workshop, consists of : performance venue, bamboo handicraft centre, and bamboo instrument workshop. Apart from that, SAU has an honorable function as an educational laboratory and training centre to preserve the Sundanese culture – Angklung in particular.
Established in 1966 by Udjo Ngalagena and his beloved wife Uum Sumiati, with a strong purpose and dedication to conserve and preserve Sundanese traditional art and culture.
SAU illustrates nature and culture in harmony, its no wonder SAU becomes a noticeable destination where people could experience Sundanese culture as a part of world heritage.
Located in eastern Bandung, SAU is a perfect tranquility for enjoying fresh–breeze–air and beautiful bamboo domination, from the bamboo crafts and interiors to the sound of musical instruments.
In the 50’, there is a family – a married couple with 10 children – who started a story of establishing a unique art performance venue; the idea was to make bamboo as theme, so, the chairs, the musical instruments and even the stage, all are made of bamboo.
Unexpectedly, the performance impressed the audience with a memorable experience.
Everywhere is laughter; everywhere is smile; everywhere is cheerful. Ever since the beginning, smiles and activities of the performing children become the spirit of this place. Daeng Soetigna inspired Udjo Ngalagena through a philosophy named 5Ms : Mudah (easy), Murah (cheap), Mendidik (educative), Menarik (attractive), Massal (mass). Later on, Udjo put one additional value to perfect this philosophy, which is Meriah (cheerful) – that would change the face of Angklung afterwards.
Udjo developed those principals into a wonderful–ideal concept called Kaulinan Urang Lembur – a perfect combination of an attractive performance and a sense of educative. And that would be the reason why people visit SAU.
Quotes from Mang Udjo (the founder):
MAP to Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
Sources: Official Web of Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung